martes, junio 05, 2007

Runnig DOS Games using Linux Fedora

Hi, this time i want to tell you how to run some DOS games using a Linux Box,... then go ahead.

First step is to install QEmu on your Linux Box, I'm using Fedora and a modified yum configuration to use mi DVD to install software, to install QEmu do that

"yum install qemu"

after that the Second Step is download FreeDOS from
download fdbasecd.iso

Ok... now we have to do an image of qemu to install FreeDOS for do that write:
qemu-img create dos.img 20M

where dos.img is the name of harddisk and 20M it's the space left to install DOS.

Third step: install FreeDOS on dos.img using qemu... for this write:
qemu -m 32 -std-vga -hda dos.img -boot d -cdrom dbasecd.iso

Here you are using 32 MB of RAM with standard VGA (VESA) with a hard disk of 20 MBand booting form the FreeDOS image CD.
after that you will see...

Ok... then install FreeDOS over the 20M HD, of course you have to create FAT16 partition and format .-
After do the install process...

After try to boot from the DOS disk...
use this command
qemu -m 32 -std-vga -hda dos.img -boot c
ant try to use some utilities

Now... you are ready to run your DOS games... HOW ?
First create an ISO image of your desired game... use the mkisofs utility.

First Copy and Unzip the game

[mariotpc@andrew pre1]$ dir
[mariotpc@andrew pre1]$ unzip Prehistorik\
Archive: Prehistorik
inflating: --------.ANS
inflating: CHKLIST.CPS
inflating: COURIER.APP
inflating: FILESA.CUR
inflating: FILESA.VGA
inflating: FILESB.CUR
inflating: FILESB.VGA
extracting: GRAWAGA.CFG
inflating: HISTORIK.CS
inflating: HISTORIK.EXE
inflating: HISTORIK.NFO

[mariotpc@andrew pre1]$ dir

[mariotpc@andrew qemu]$ mkisofs -o pre1.iso pre1/
I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
Total translation table size: 0
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0
Total directory bytes: 0
Path table size(bytes): 10
Max brk space used 0
569 extents written (1 MB)

[mariotpc@andrew qemu]$ dir
dos.img dos.iso max-user-freq.orig pre1 pre1.iso

After do that run QEmu with this command
qemu -m 32 -std-vga -hda dos.img -boot c -cdrom pre1.iso

And ready to play the game....!

Notes: the CD drive is often mounted on d: drive... just go to this drive and run the exe file.

jueves, mayo 03, 2007

Kernel panic on Unload Xserver-xorg with driver i810

It happens only with AMD64 port, before I was using x86 port and all work great, I have an EMT64 capable processor and runs debian great, all services work fine except xserver-xorg with driver i810, let me say that the error is just when unloading X, before that I can reach my desktop, use the Render, 3D accel, Composite Extension, Compiz etc but when Shuts down the Computer I get a Kernel Panic, I think to set the driver to VESA and work but haven´t DRI, 3D Accel, Composite etc.

The crash screenshot here

On Fedora Core Test 3 ------------------------------------------------------------> Wide Screenshot

On Debian Etch

lunes, abril 09, 2007

Un excelente programa para emular un Sistema Operativo

Desde hace ya vario tiempo queria encontrar un programa para correr mi Linux en mi PC que utiliza Win32 (Windows XP PRO) ya que necesitaba mantener Linux para probar / depurar programas que hago para Linux, pero muchas herramientas de comunicacion que he desarrollado estan hechas para Windows y aquí en mi trabajo todas las PC son Windows con excepción de los Servidores (Fedora Core y CentOS). Por tal razón buscaba y VMWare parecía bien pero el gran tamaño del instalador yotras cosas tardadas no me dio tiempo ni siquiera de bajarlo, pero encontre este programa InnoTek VirtualBox, el cual ha venido a ayudarme para tener mi Linux y Windows Corriendo al mismo tiempo en la Misma PC... aqui pongo algunos ScreenShots para que vean como luce ... Hasta pronto.

Compile and run Linux Kernel and Busybox for ARM 64 bits aarch64 on QEMU

Hello everyone, in this post you can read how to and where to download, compile and run Linux kernel and busybox for ARM64 processor. the ...